Chelsea Temple » Hello, All!

Hello, All!

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Course Title English IV


Contact Information

Instructor: Chelsea Temple

Email: [email protected] You can also message me via Canvas.  

Phone: Google Phone Number 423-226-1846                      

Course Description and Course Goals

  • Welcome to English. This course is designed to enhance your writing skills, as well as your knowledge of basic grammar and ACT vocabulary while reading and closely analyzing grade level literature and informational texts. Throughout the semester, we will have scheduled quizzes, pop quizzes, writing assignments, online and in-class discussions, daily grammar exercises, ACT vocabulary units, ACT bell ringers, and summative exams, including a comprehensive midterm and final. Extra credit assignments will be given at instructor’s discretion periodically throughout the year.
  • Course Objectives:
    • Improve your writing skills in conjuncture with TN State Standards and TN State Writing Rubrics
    • Enhance your familiarity of grammar and ACT vocabulary for increased success on the End of Course Exam or the national ACT exam
    • Enhance your love and understanding of various genres of literature


Texts, Materials, and Supplies

These materials are mandatory and used daily. We will rely heavily on our Computers this year. If you are unable to attain these items, I will have plenty of materials in the room for your use.

  • Computer given to you by the school. Please make sure that it is charged daily.
  • Paper (College Ruled) A Notebook Will Also Be Acceptable
  • Writing Utensil (Pen or Pencil)
  • Our Current Text



Grading Scale: A:90-100 B:80-89 C:70-79 D:60-69 F:0-59




Grading Breakdown

Daily Work:

  • Bell Ringer 15
  • Beginning Activity 20
  • Main Assignment 45
  • Participation 20


Vocabulary Quizzes 100

Vocabulary Sentences 35

Paper One 250

Paper Two 250

Benchmark Assessments TBD

Unit/ Story Tests 300

Midterm 15%

Final 25%

Totals are Subject to Change At Any Point During the Semester



Policies and Procedures

You are high school students and well on your way to becoming adults. Therefore, I do not feel it is necessary to treat you as children. I am not going to nag you about the classroom and school rules because you know them and should adhere to them on your own. In return, I expect your full attention and respect throughout the duration of this course. In addition to following my classroom rules, policies, and procedures all students must adhere to the guidelines set in the West Greene High School Student Handbook.


Top Four Rules:

Treat People With Kindness:  Speak to your classmates and me with respect. This means no name-calling, badgering, badmouthing, catcalling, cursing, etc. This also means to follow classroom rules and provide a respectful place to learn. Encourage one another. If someone gives a good response in a discussion, hype them up. We are in this together. Derogatory language, hate filled speech, and bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.


Always be Prepared: Always bring materials and be prepared for class. Please bring all homework, assignments, current books, notebook paper, highlighters, pencils, and whatever else is required to class and be IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings. You wouldn’t go into battle without a sword don’t come to English class without your pen and your wit.


Be on time: Punctuality is important both now and in your future as a career person. If you have an appointment and know you are going to be late or miss a class, please inform me ahead of time.


Don’t Be Too Cool For School: As a firm believer in a non-traditional learning environment, we will be doing a lot of activities this year. We will be moving around the room, and incorporating various movies, songs, poetry, and stories as we seek to increase our knowledge. This will not be a lecture and note taking course, but it will be an environment where you get to actively shape your own learning.


Attendance Policy: I follow Greene County Schools attendance policy. See the current handbook for details.

Missed/ Late Work: In the event of an absence, students will have one week to make up their late work. Work will not be accepted after that one week deadline. Tests, Quizzes, Etc. can be made up, but within the one week timeline unless an agreement is made between the student and instructor. Each Day’s Assignments will be listed on Canvas. If you require clarification about a missed assignment, first, ask a classmate. If you require further clarification, feel free to ask me in person or send an email. Make up tests/quizzes must be completed during school hours.


Plagiarism: I want to know what you can do, not what some random person on the internet is capable of. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. I would rather have something full of effort and poor than something with no effort but is seemingly phenomenal.

Tardy Policy: I will follow the Greene County Schools Tardy Policy. This means that tardies, after the first couple, will be counted and logged in Skyward. Three tardies equals one absence. On your fourth tardy, you will be written up and sent to the office. A recurrence of tardies negatively effects your attendance and therefore, you may be subject to further penalty. Remember that tardy means a few minutes late not thirty. If you are late to school, you will have to check in at the front office. Any work missed during your absence will have to be made up. I will not stop class to fill you in. Please get that information from your classmates or look on Canvas for our daily agenda.

Cell Phone Policy: Cell Phones WILL NOT be used in my class. I understand that communication is a vital part of the human experience, but I want you to be present in the moment during class not seeing how many likes you can get on Instagram or keeping your streaks going on Snapchat. If I see your cell phone, there will not be a warning. It will go straight into the cell phone jail. If you want to check the time, you have computers and a clock in the room. However, if you are having a family emergency or are awaiting an important phone call, please let me know and we will make allowances.

The School Rule is that phones are not to be used during class, except at the teacher’s discretion which can be given and revoked at any time and for any reason. Any issues will be handled by administration.

If students place their phone in the cell phone holder in the room at the start of class until all of their assignments are finished, students can receive 2pts per day, equaling give or take 84 bonus points per 9 weeks.

During Tests and Quizzes cell phones must be placed in the cell phone holder for the duration of the test, until the last students is done testing, or at my discretion.

Food and Drink Policy: No food or drinks will be allowed, unless it is water in a closed container. If you bring anything else in the room, the expectation is that it will stay in your backpack. If not, you can place it outside of the room or in the trash.

Homework Policy: Homework will be sparring. I believe that work should be done in school, and home time should be spent with family. The only exception for this is work time for papers and assigned readings. Some of this will have to be completed outside of class. When I assign pages for reading or articles, I expect for them to be read before the due date. Some reading time will be given in class, but you will not have all of class time to complete readings. You must complete ALL readings that will be assigned in order to participate in discussion and in class activities to receive points.

This is subject to change at any time and for any reason.

Disciplinary Actions: Depending on the severity of the issue, the following disciplinary actions will be  taken to remediate the problem: in class seclusion (sitting at a separated desk), lunch detentions, parental contact, write-ups, before/after school detentions, and office visits to administration.

Bathroom Policy: You are nearing adulthood, therefore if you have to go to the restroom please feel free to do so. Just raise your hand or let me know. There will be a sign out sheet for the restroom where you will sign your name, the current time, and then the time you return. Use discretion, if one person is already out of the room, wait until they return to leave. If this policy is abused in any way, a new bathroom policy will be instituted i.e. bathroom passes.  

After-School Tutoring: I will set aside time once a week for extra tutoring as needed. Schedule to be announced.

Canvas: This school year Greene County Schools will use an online platform called CANVAS. This will allow students to complete assignments, tests, quizzes, and discussions online. The web address is There is also an app in the Google Play and Apple stores students may use. They will login with their school username and password that has been set up for school computers in order to login to this site. I understand not all students have internet access all of the time outside of class. Therefore, these students will receive printed copies of the work. However, they must let me know prior, so I can make copies for them. Failure to do so will result in a late grade. You can also access Canvas through the West Greene High School Webpage.

Contact: Please stay in contact with me regarding your child’s learning. I want to help any way that I can. Email is the preferred method of contact, but I am more than willing to take phone calls during my planning period, and at a select time during the week.

Updates: Updates about your child’s learning will be sent home periodically as indicted by the form below unless your child is currently failing. Updates will need to be signed and returned.










Acknowledgement Form

Student Name (Printed): ________________________________________________ Directions: To ensure all students and parents/guardians are aware of the classroom syllabus with policies and procedures, this form needs to be signed by both the student and the parent/guardian. Please return this page (THIS PAGE ONLY) by _____________________________________. This is your first grade of the semester!

Students: I have read the class Syllabus with Policies and Procedures. I understand my responsibilities as a student in this English II course for this semester. X______________________________________________ __________________ (Student Signature)  


Parents/Guardians: I have read the class Syllabus with Policies and Procedures. I understand my child’s responsibility as a student in this course this semester. X_____________________________________________ _________________(Parent Signature)



Parents/Guardians Contact Information: I need your contact information to update you on your child’s progress and behavior in my class. Please fill out all that apply. E-mail is a preferred method of contact. Phone calls will be placed/answered on my planning during 3rd period if possible. Primary Contact Person (printed name): _______________________________________________ Secondary Contact Person (printed name): _____________________________________________ Home phone(s): __________________________________________________________________ Cell phone(s): ___________________________________________________________________ E-mail address(es): _______________________________________________________________


How often would you like to be notified about your child’s learning/behavior? Please Circle One.

Twice a Month

Once a Month

Around Midterms/Finals

I do not need updates.



If you selected that you do need updates, a letter will be sent home with your child for you to sign and return. Alternatively, you can choose to get a phone call or an email along with the letter.

How would you like to be notified. Please put that information below.

Phone Number:

Email Address: